Welcome to Hope Church
23rd Psalm Lenten Series: March 9 – April 6 / 9:15 & 10:30 am
Palm Sunday – April 13 / 9:15 & 10:30 am
Good Friday Tenebrae Service – Friday, April 18 / 7:00 pm
Easter – Sunday, April 20 / 9:00 & 10:30 am
Easter is a holiday in the deepest sense, a true “holy” day. Because on Easter, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. On Friday of Passover week, the most important Jewish religious festival of the year, Jesus was put to death by Roman crucifixion – an event uncontested by both Christian and non-Christian historians. And on Sunday, Jesus’ tomb was empty – also uncontested by Christian and non-Christian historians. Jesus is alive!
The good news of Easter is this. One, that Jesus, God’s Son, died on the cross to receive God’s judgment on human sin, so that we don’t have to. Two, that Jesus was resurrected, and his resurrection is a sign that God will one day make all things new, free from the stain of sin. And three, that all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and was raised from the dead will receive everlasting life. Come celebrate the good news of Easter at Hope Church!
Hope Church Nursery Worker
Purpose: To provide organization and help to the Hope Church’s Children’s and Middle School programs.
Duties: To be updated at ~2 and 6 month dates as we learn: